Source Point

High Priestess Healing

Level One

Virtual Acupuncture Certification Training
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times

Learn Virtual Acupuncture
from the comfort of your own home!

How high do you want to rise, Priestess?

Source Point High Priestess Healing™ is Dr. Amanda Cohen and Jenn Kosh’s certification training that teaches you a powerful way of healing yourself and others by merging acupuncture, meridian theory & Reiki into a revolutionary new healing modality.This 100% online training is for heart-centered people who want to learn an innovative way of healing and an integrated approach to taking care of their body, mind and heart.It’s clear that we’ve entered a time of choice, a time in which we can’t overide or ignore the messages from the intelligence of our bodies that are asking for us to nourish the temple, rebalance our systems and recharge our vitality.

Do you have the energy for the things you want to do?
For the person you want to be?

Do you have
the energy
for the things
you want to do?

For the person you want to be?

Your life has undoubtedly been impacted by the times we’re in an what you’ve experienced personally and globally. 

Maybe for you stress and anxiety have accumulated, not only weighing on your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being but also affecting the well-being of your loved ones, creating real suffering, states of overwhelm and even helplessness. 

In searching for a better way to support yourself and others, you might’ve begun to question your own priorities and values—or your body has done it for you, communicating perhaps more loudly than ever that there has to be a different way to live. 

You could very well be frustrated and unclear about how to shift and heal, considering the disrepair and limitations of traditional healthcare that makes it challenging to bring your life into balance, have enough energy for the people and tasks you face every day and somehow come back to yourself. 

You’re more interested in solid answers and cultivating a thoughtful practice of self-care rather than the exhausting route of temporay measures.  You know that the change you’re dreaming to see starts with you. 

And so it must go…healer-creator-lover-leader, heal thyself.  

It's time to call in the High Priestess.

It's time to call in
the High Priestess.

The High Priestess, the keeper of Wisdom Ways, has much to teach us about balance and harmony, the feminine way of living in this world.

The Priestess throughout time and cultures has held great powers of transformation. 

As that Visionary aspect of ourselves regardless of gender, the Priestess builds the bridge between worlds—from where you are now (in your health, your relationships, your life)—to where you want to be.

Balancing the masculine approach to medicine & self-care requires the feminine way of healing to re-emerge. In the times and cultures in which Priestesses were the community’s healers, they carried the world’s wisdom traditions, embracing those they cared for with deep healing & nurturing medicine.

The Call We Are Hearing

Our bodies have our attention, but are we ready to listen

What we often forget is that there we have inner medicine. We have the energetic keys that when activated will open up doors to new levels of energy, radiant well-being and enthusiasm for our lives. 

The truth is that we do need to learn how to access and use these keys, so we can initiate a Higher Level Frequency within our energy system that keeps the Heart Chakra open and flowing.

Because it’s through the Heart, we will see the true healing and transformation required. 

Why this program?

Imagine if you had effective & efficient tools to nourish and heal yourself and those you love.

Picture what it would be like to bring yourself back into balance.

You can hear your body talking and understand what it’s saying.

And then how to respond.

How would this type of learning and listening impact your life and the lives of those you love?

Physically. Emotionally. Mentally. Spiritually. 

An Overview of Source Point
High Priestess Healing

High Priestess Healing includes three levels, each one a building block for the other to provide the necessary foundational information and skill level for the subsequent modules and certifications.

In Level One, learn a comprehensive foundation in Chinese Medicine, meridian theory and introductory acupuncture points as well as be attuned to Usui Reiki First Degree. This level focuses on what you need to balance and harmonize yourself. You may feel called to practice on loved ones. 

Prerequisite: None

In a fun, supportive, inspirational community and high-level instruction from Jenn and Dr. Amanda, you will walk away from Level One with the skills to treat a variety of conditions with the use of specific acupuncture point combinations.

In Level Two, we build on the High Priestess Healing process and the foundations and learn deeper ways of healing ourselves: Goddess Acupuncture®, Master Tung Points, the Extraordianary Vessels, Reiki Second Degree. Some of us will want to use what we’re learning to bring it to other parts of our lives such as our career and our community. 

Prerequisite: Level One High Priestess Healing Training

In Level Three, students will learn to refine their diagnostic skills and learn other metaphysical patterns that expand on the wisdom teachings and multidimensional healing learned in Levels One and Two. At this point, a call to serve in our communities is stronger as we share our gifts and our learning to make healing accessible to more people. 

Prerequisite: Levels One and Two with a solid understanding and consistent practice of the material.

Scientific research around the world is validating and confirming not only the existence of energy medicine but also its healing effects and potentialities, specifically Acupuncture, Meridian Theory and Distance Healing—all of which you  learn in High Priestess Healing.

“This training is a gift of love and healing, and I wish I’d found it 20 years earlier.”
~Marta Grosskopf
Level One & Two Graduate

The Training:
A Path of Freedom

The Source Point High Priestess Healing™ Certification is on one level a powerful, practical training about how to alleviate pain and nourish your Essence. After all, you’ll learn the location and multiple benefits of over 100 acupuncture points along 12 meridians to balance, harmonize and revitalize your physical and subtle energy bodies through the unique High Priestess Healing process. You’ll learn how to treat symptoms and conditions for yourself and for others. 

Consider the implications of that. 

*If you have a headache in the middle of the night, you’ll know how to naturally alleviate the pain.  

*If your child has a fever, you’ll know how to break it. 

*Your client who lives in another city is going through a divorce. She is anxious and sleepless. You send her a High Priestess Healing to help move the energy of grief and get her relaxed enough so she can have a restful night’s sleep. 

*You ate food that leaves you feeling bloated and uncomfortable. You activate the High Priestess Healing process using the points to quickly clear the bloating. 

*Your son is at college across the country and can’t get an appointment to see a doctor about a skin rash. That’s okay because you know how to treat it. 

*You have painful period cramps and now you know how to relieve yourself from that pain. 

These examples come from our students who presented their real-life conditions and situations to us. 

From a collapsed lung to COVID. 

From diabetes to addiction. 

From chemo to post-surgery recovery. 

The possibilities of support and healing are endless. 

High Priestess Healing is also about a community of souls coming together from all walks of life to say YES, there is another way that we get to heal and empower ourselves and we don’t have to do this alone.

We can choose freedom from suffering and take our precious resources of time and money that we’ve dedicated to looking for healing solutions—while managing our symptoms, our diminishing energy and our heightened stress and anxiety—and instead, devote those resources to playing with our children, meeting up with our friends, going on new adventures, enjoying our life. 

We don’t have to wait anymore.  

This training will empower you with a set of accessible, practical tools you can use ANY TIME, so you can offer relief, healing and transformation to yourself and to your loved ones.

In the present moment. 
With ease. 
With speed. 
With visible results.

“Not only was it enlightening to understand health and disease from a different perspective, but it was also rewarding to have tools to treat myself and to understand better what my body is trying to tell me.”
~Laura Rodríguez, Colombia
Level One & Two Graduate

The gifts of Healing with the High Priestess

Level One Training & Details

Self-Study Program Available

Level One Tuition:

Payment plans are available.

All prices are in USD.
No medical experience is necessary.

Full Pay 
$995 USD

3-month payment plan
$333 USD per month

6 easy payments
$179 USD per month

Partial Scholarships

We love, respect and support your journey and realize that for a number of reasons, you feel called to learn High Priestess Healing.

If you’re experiencing a life transition, you serve a part of your community in need, or you’re part of an under-served or marginalized community or demographic, please click on the application link below to apply for one of our partial scholarships. 

Scholarships are limited, so please get your application in.  Payment plans are available for the remaining tuition. 

We kindly ask you to reconsider applying if you can realistically afford the tuition, thereby leaving this support open for those who truly are experiencing financial challenges.

Meet Your Teachers

Learn & grow under the teaching & mentorship of Dr. Amanda Cohen & Reiki Master Teacher Jenn Kosh who have a combined 50 years of education & training that they’ve poured into this groundbreaking healing modality.

Both women value learning and respect their role as a teacher, desiring to create a safe, uplifting and dynamic environment for everyone in this training. 

Dr. Amanda Cohen

Dr. Amanda Cohen is the visionary of Source Point High Priestess Healing. Since becoming a Board Certified Chinese Medical Physician (L.Ac. & D.A.O.M.), she’s been passionate about helping her patients achieve optimal well-being. She holds a Masters & Doctoral Degree (Summa Cum Laude) from Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine, specializing in Integrative Medicine. She also has a Masters in Health Psychology from UC Irvine & a dual Bachelor Degree in Clinical Psychology & Cultural Anthropology from Cornell University (Cum Laude).

Dr. Amanda lives in Los Angeles with her husband Dave, their three feline fur-babies and their human toddler, Charlie.

Reiki Master Teacher: Jenn Kosh

As an intuitive mentor, a prosperity coach, an astrologer, a writer & a Reiki Master Teacher, Jenn is a spaceholder who creates containers for people to meet and embrace their full potential in a way they find beautiful, meaningful and joy-filled.

Through working with thousands of people for three decades, Jenn knows firsthand how it feels to attempt to actualize soul dreams without a sense of well-being, radiant health and an open heart—and how  challenging it can be to find the inner resources, the dedication and inspiration to make those dreams a reality. After receiving her Bachelor of Education, at the age of 25, she created an education business, which she had for over 20 years. However, when Jenn became sick in her 30s, Jenn’s professional and personal path changed while looking for the healing her body was asking for. In searching for alternatives for the medical conditions that the traditional western approaches could not fully explain or help her heal, Jenn’s world opened up to the teachings and training from lineaged and metaphysical teachers, resulting in a remembering and a realignment to a deeper purpose and calling, and the creation of her online business Love Matters in 2015.

Jenn’s thrilled to continue to build the High Priestess Healing global community with Dr. Amanda. In addition to co-teaching High Priestess Healing, Jenn works with people one-on-one in “The Journey of Many Moons,” an intuitive mentoring experience that offers clients room to share and grow life goals or move through life transitions. Each session is completed by receiving a guided visualization that includes a Goddess acupuncture pattern from the High Priestess Healing (Level II) training. For four years now, Jenn has seen how this space and this High Priestess process offers people a way to shift from the inside out. If you have any questions or would like more information, please reach out to Jenn HERE.

What our grads from the High Priestess Healing training want to tell you!

What our grads from the High Priestess training want to tell you!

I will forever remember the day I received the email about this new modality, High Priestess Healing and the excitement and goosebumps I felt from reading the email.

I had to do this. And I was not disappointed!

Dr Amanda has created an amazing modality in healing combining old with new so to speak. Using Acupuncture points with Reiki energy instead of needles. Genius!

Jenn Kosh is our Reiki Master (astrologer extraordinaire) also at the helm of this ship and together they are a wonderful team, who really care about their students and people in general as well as this new modality that they have sprung forth together.

There is SO much amazing information to be digested in both Level 1 and Level 2.

So whether you are or not a Reiki Practitioner or Reiki Master, I highly recommend this course.

If you are a healer of any kind, you will love this new modality. It has enhanced my practice and I look forward to Level 3. 

Source Point High Priestess Healing Levels 1 & 2 with Jenn & Dr. Amanda was a truly magical experience. I leaped into the training honestly not fully knowing much about it but feeling in my bones that it was something I needed to learn and know. I am an Olympian, Author & Coach who has an Arts Degree, so I was a bit nervous about not having any science-y background. But the way Amanda & Jenn teach in HPH makes it so accessible and consumable for anyone at any level! They truly go above and beyond in their care for their students, love for the program and delivery of the course. Even just being in the calls with them you absorb so much powerful spiritual, life and healing knowledge. 
After completing SPHPH 1 & 2, I use all my learnings in my 1:1 coaching practice giving sessions to my clients based on what they are going through. I’ve used it in group programs as well through Jenn’s guidance and the souls in my programs absolutely love it! Not to mention I use it in my own life for myself and my family members as a holistic and preventative physical and spiritual treatment
Anyone that feels the call to SPHPH coming from whatever background you have I say—take the leap. Honestly, you will not regret it! You will learn so much practical and powerful information as well as connect with the most beautiful community of souls in the program!! Leap my friends, leap!!

I got more out of my two levels of Source Point High Priestess Healing then I could have even imagined. I cry every day with gratitude for the opportunity and blessing I had to not only be able to heal myself, but also assist and facilitate the healing others.

The practices brought me a more intuitive relationship with Source and gave me the confidence to believe I really could do this. 

The feminine balance in the healing process learned in Level One combined with the more esoteric Goddess Patterns from Level Two downloaded by the amazing Dr. Amanda Cohen, create a beautiful, well-rounded healing that can be used for any emotional, physical and spirital need.

I found using Reiki to clear the meridians at the various acupuncture points to be incredibly amazing. I work with people both in person and via distance. With the use of Reiki, I can “feel” where the points are. I also have a greater intuitive ability to sense what also needs healing and working on.

Dr Amanda is incredibly knowledgeable and a blessing as a teacher. She is patient, thorough, and has the warmest and brightest smile. Coming to learn is ALWAYS enjoyable.

Jenn Kosh is magic. Her delivery of the Goddess Patterns in Level Two with guided meditations and her attunements leave you speechless and out of body.

I highly recommend this modality to EVERYONE who is a healer, wants to be a healer or wants to experience the value of High Priestess Healing and add more magic to everything that they do. Whatever it is!

I will be forever grateful for this modality and to both Dr. Amanda Cohen and Jenn Kosh.

I found HPH by accident, I had been having pain associated with an autoimmune disease that was getting worse by the day. I was also experiencing brain fog and severe fatigue that I couldn’t shake. I recently retired from School Nursing, a job that I really loved and wasn’t ready to give up. 

I started using crystals to help with healing and I stumbled upon a FaceTime interview with Madison Young from Open Eye Crystals and Dr. Amanda Cohen from Source Point Wellness. Dr Amanda was talking about a new modality in healing…one that used Traditional Chinese accupuncture infused by Reiki. This sounded like something I needed, I knew I wasn’t finished being a healer, but I really needed to focus on myself.

I signed up and immediately started learning about healing my body using accupuncture points. Having no knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine I dove in head first. Jenn Kosh, our Reiki  Master/Teacher began teaching us the energy part of this journey and it just made sense that these two modalities would meld together so perfectly. 

I took Level 1 which made me want to learn more, so I enrolled in Level 2. Level 2 training changed my energy field—my physical energy was back and the pain was under control. I knew I could help others that are desperate for relief. Through Reiki, I feel that my brain waves/energy field had risen to a higher plane. I no longer feel that I am a hostage to my autoimmune disease and the world that we live in with COVID. 

After going through both levels, I have started my own practice called Saving Grace Healing Arts—and truthfully, SPHPH has been my saving Grace. 

I recommend this program for anyone that has Reiki training and wants to take it to another place/level. I also recommend this program to people like me, those that have chronic pain and are feeling that it’s time for another mode of healing. Or knowing that your healing journey isn’t over but not knowing where to find it. 

Marta Grosskopf, Colorado Owner of Saving Grace Healing Arts
IG: @saving_grace_healing_arts

The High Priestess Healing (HPH) training was an amazing and incredible experience for me. One of the things I liked the most was that it virtual because it allowed me to receive the training; I am based overseas. Not only was it enlightening to understand health and disease from a different perspective, but it was also rewarding to have tools to treat myself and to understand better what my body is trying to tell me. Thanks to that knowledge I can better connect with myself to continue developing my energy healing abilities.

Despite not being able to meet in person, there was a great sense of community throughout both levels of the training. Regular practicing partners and groups were established to support each other in the learning of the valuable and abundant information shared by Dr. Amanda and Jenn. Our mentors shared insights and supported us every step of the way. The Reiki component is a tremendous addition that opens the possibilities of healing to another level.

Finally, I want to assure you that you do need to know anything to join the training. I started with a curious and willing heart, and now I am a Level 2 certified practitioner.

Laura Rodríguez, Colombia | Proofreader, Editor & Content Creator | Reiki Second Degree & HPH Level Two Certified Practitioner

Niketta Scott, Los Angeles
Writer | Creator of Rooted Goddess Tarot | Reiki & SPHPH
Level Two Practitioner

Testimonials from Clients for
Source Point High Priestess Healing

Testimonials from
Clients for
Source Point High
Priestess Healing

I received a virtual High Priestess Healing from Jenn Kosh and it was phenomenal.  I have been struggling for years to get myself out of a deeply unconscious rut that prevented me from accomplishing what I intended to accomplish.

Jenn picked the correct pattern from the Goddess Acupuncture series to support my freedom from this old struggle and got to work. During the healing, I met with the woman I have always intended to be.  But I didn’t just meet her, I embodied her in a way that left a permanent change in my psyche.

I have not been the same since. I am finally taking the necessary actions to make my dreams come true and it is in large part due to the powerful healing work I received from Jenn.

Jenn’s healing work removed the attachment to my old stories about who I am and reoriented me to the woman I am meant to be. I am so, so grateful for the deeply transformative healing work Jenn is doing. I highly recommend this work!  

After my first HPH session with Jenn, I felt this deep knowing as if she had helped unlock a part of me that had been buried, during a time when we needed deep healing and love. During that first session, my late grandmother joined the session and gave me the gentle nudge to continue. I thought to myself what other signs do I need

She helped me see that the person I have been trying to become is inside of me and gave me the space to explore who that person truly is I now live my days in goddess energy and when I feel stuck as we sometimes do I know how to ask for guidance and find the answers within me

I joined the HPH program so I could continue healing myself, my children and my clients. The decluttering work I do is about so much more than our stuff and I’m honoured to learn from Jenn and Dr. Amanda so that I can share with my clients. Working together to create space in their hearts and homes.

If you have the opportunity to work with Jenn in any capacity this is your sign to say yes.  I will be forever grateful for her guidance and friendship.

With love and light Julie
Level One & Two SPHPH Student

I learned of High Priestess Healing through one of my magical and wise mentors Jenn Kosh. In a global crisis, as the world moved into this online, virtual world, I was over the moon to learn of a healing modality that combined acupuncture and reiki based on your personal intentions being offered virtually. Especially during a time where I was seeking healing methods that would go beyond traditional healing yet still effective.

I’ve now worked with Jenn for over 2 + years and she’s nothing short of amazing in all she does. I experienced HPH from Jenn at a time where I needed support from someone I trusted and I know would deliver in a powerful, yet loving way. My experience was nothing short then magical. Jenn has a wonderful way of transcending you on a beautiful journey as she guides you through a guided meditation while doing the HPH. Having had more than one session, my very first one stands out as I remember walking out like I was glowing and on cloud nine! I’m grateful for the experience and Jenn’s wisdom and compassionate loving guidance. You’re in sacred hands and won’t be disappointed.  

At a time when the world around us presents unprecedented turmoil and unpredictability, it is more essential than ever to find calm within. I booked a session with Amanda to try long distance acupuncture and Reiki healing (the High Priestess Healing) because I was grappling with debilitating bouts of insomnia and had experienced tremendous benefits from in-person treatments.

My only clear expectation was a 30-minute window away from my children, but the gift I received was astonishingly textured.

Not only could I feel Amanda bring balance to my body in real-time, she also offered intuition and insights about what was going on in my internal world and how I could support my body and psyche moving forward. I slept 10 hours after our distance session, and after incorporating her wise suggestions there’s a level of fluidity and freedom in my body and life I haven’t experienced in weeks. I highly recommend nurturing yourself with a session with Amanda. She’s a rare gem!

As a long-time patient of Dr. Amanda, I have received a diverse range of esoteric treatments in the past and without a doubt, the Goddess Acupuncture channelled by Dr. Amanda is the most powerful of them all! Every single treatment is a direct line of contact to the many Deities Dr. Amanda has extensively researched and built relationships with.

These treatments assist you in embodying a specific deity’s highest expression, allowing those qualities to come alive within yourself in the here and now. They have all greatly supported me in the most beautiful ways that are still unfolding before me.

These treatments are beyond words. Anyone else who has experienced them knows exactly what I am talking about. In-person or virtually, it does not matter. Goddess Acupuncture is a revolutionary new healing modality that is going to change lives and the world for many years to come.

I have been following Jenn Kosh since she first opened her online “shop” in 2016 after a friend told me I just had to have a Love Map session with Jenn. It was magic, as if a hundred keys opened up a hundred different aha moments.  

What I have discovered to my delight is that anything Jenn does is healing and groundbreaking on many levels. This half angel, half woman walks on this planet with a pure heart and sincere intent to ease and transform pain, emotionally as well as spiritually and mentally.

So I wasn’t surprised to learn she was co-teaching a new modality with Dr. Cohen to offer training and treatments that ease and transform all kinds of pain. I started off by getting a regular High Priestess Healing treatment for the shoulder and knee pain I had, which moved after 2 treatments. Amazing.  All from the comfort of my home. Now I’m working with her and receiving the Goddess Acupuncture treatments, one a month for 12 months, What a magical journey that has been. I love, love, LOVE the depth, meaning & power of the Goddess treatments. I highly recommend receiving a HPH treatment or anything else Jenn offers—she’s one of this Earth’s rare gems.

I’ve been seeing Doctor Amanda Cohen for a few years now and it’s changed my life. She’s the first person to diagnose my immunity deficiency and under her care of acupuncture, Chinese herbs and the occasional magical crystal, I’m stronger than ever. Even in these trying times.

She recently told me about High Priestess Healing. From our first High Priestess Healing session, she knew what I was feeling before I even told her and when the session was over, I felt oxygen in my blood and energy flowing through my entire body.

The rest of the day I felt calm, grounded and at ease. I’ve been familiar with long distance reiki and its healing power for a quite a while, but what’s so great about her High Priestess Healing method is it’s powerful, efficient and even quicker than Reiki alone. The acu points she’s infusing with Reiki open up the channels and get things flowing immediately.

I had no idea this kind of healing was possible and now I support it completely!

A.K., New York
Actress & Producer

Dr. Amanda is one of the kindest, most intellectual, intuitive, down-to-earth, and expansive people I have ever worked with. Her distance healings are truly one of kind and have helped me through physical pain, internal imbalances, and emotional stress. She was able to help ease my back pain as well as educate me on how that pain was related to other imbalances that I could not see within my body. When talking to her, I feel like I’m talking to an old friend and so it is very easy to be honest and vulnerable with her. During the actual healing work, I could feel the adjustments being made and how they were bringing about immediate comfort and alignment. She is such a genuine woman with a heart of gold and skill like no other. I’m extremely grateful to have crossed paths with her and know I will be seeing her again and again in the future! Cannot recommend enough!

Rachel, Northern California

My High Priestess Healing session with Dr. Amanda went very well. I appreciate that she is holding virtual appointments and also that she has so much compassion for the emotional wounds & burdens that the BIPOC community has been experiencing lately. Dr. Amanda was very attentive and listened to me explain the things that were ailing me physically & emotionally.

I had no idea that I would also receive nutritional advice during this appointment. That was a very pleasant surprise. She clearly knows her stuff! Everything was explained to me very clearly in regards to how the High Priestess Healing session would go.  In all, I am so grateful that I made an appointment for the High Priestess Healing and I’m excited to book again as I continue on this path.

Kia, California

Feel that High Priestess Healing is calling you but still have a question or two? Reach out to Dr. Amanda or Jenn for a Clarity Call.

High Priestess Healing Media Interviews

Podcast interview with the delightful Diana Zalucky, host of the Healer Dealer show. The ladies dive into an animated talk about energy fields, multi-dimensional healing and the High Priestess Healing Virtual Acupuncture Training Certification.

Dr. Amanda’s interview with Madison Young from Open Eye Crystal. Listen as they discuss herbal medicine, the benefits of acupuncture & the vision of healing within the High Priestess Healing Virtual Acupuncture Training.


The information on this site and in this training is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. At all times throughout this training, you are taught and guided to consult a medical professional immediately for conditions or states such as depression, suicide ideation, heart pain and other symptoms and conditions that require professional medical attention and care. 

No. High Priestess Healing is based on the intersection of the acupuncture points, meridians and Reiki. We will use Reiki to activate the points, portals, and healing vortices—not needles.

This is a virtual training, meaning you can be anywhere in the world and learn Source Point High Priestess Healing. We’ve had students from the U.S., Canada, Colombia and Indonesia take this training.

For the self-study, classes, we have office hours or “Tea Time.” We will provide you with the days and times if you’d like to attend live. If you can’t, please send your questions and we’ll answer it during the next Tea Time. 

During our live training, we have two Tea Time sessions a month.  

Tea Times are amazing opportunities to learn from Dr. Amanda how to diagnose and treat you and your loved ones’ symptoms and conditions as well as asking Jenn about energy healing or her experience in using High Priestess Healing with her clients.

If you would like private mentorship throughout the training with either Dr. Amanda or Jenn, you can arrange that with either one for an additional investment cost. 

From Jenn:

You’re always in choice about being re-attuned for in Level One or Two in the High Priestess Healing training…and, I would invite you to consider what I’ve learned from studying the history of Reiki and from other Reiki Master teachers on this topic of multiple attunements.

For example, students receive a minimum of four Reiki attunements as part of their First Degree training. Most modern weekend or multiple-day Reiki classes do not offer such a gift of healing and transformation considering the time constraints.

When I became a Reiki Master Teacher, I received five attunements in total over the six months of my training, each one building on the last and offering a different flavour or frequency based on my intentions and where I was at in my own awareness at the time of the ceremony.

It’s a beautiful experience to be attuned and re-attuned, and you are always in choice.

First of all, thank you for this question. We are sensitive to price knowing how much we’ve invested in our own education and training as well as our online and brick-and-mortar businesses over the last two decades. 

Here’s some context. 

To be a board-certified Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac.) and Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM) like Dr. Amanda, you must enroll in an accredited 6- to 8-year program and sit for both state and national boards. It is a highly rigorous training program including extensive training in anatomy and physiology, training on acupuncture needling technique, western medicine, pharmacology and full knowledge of Chinese herbal formulas.

The Master’s program is 4-6 years and the Doctorate Dr. Amanda has is a 2-year investment. Dr. Amanda is condensing her knowledge of her years of studying, practicums and apprenticeships not to mention her years of professional experience into a condensed yet easy-to-understand and applicable modaility. What this means is that you can learn how to do virtual acupuncture for a fraction of the time and money.

Jenn Kosh has been a teacher for over 25 years and a teacher of energy work for over 15, investing tens of thousands of dollars in her university, psychological, energy and spiritual training, hundreds of hours in classrooms & thousands of hours with clients. Like Dr. Amanda, she is so grateful to have this opportunity to distill and focus the relevant learning for this course for you so that you use Source Point High Priestess Healing to change not only your life but to help change others.

Please check out our early bird pricing and our 6- and 12-month payment plans for a more budget-friendly option. If you feel deeply called to learn this training and the tuition fees are still out of reach, please fill out a scholarship application on this page. 

Yes, we do! Learning is so much better when we do it together. We believe it’s important to foster connection and a flourishing community, so if you have a friend, family member or client you believe would resonate with what we’re offering, please invite them and ask us about our High Priestess Ambassador program.

Absolutely. You have 14 days from the time of registering for High Priestess Healing for a full money-back guarantee at the price you paid minus admin fees.  

This call to action is the call
of our times.

It’s clear we need to take our well-being into our own healing hands, to empower ourselves and our communities with the knowledge and tools to
identify & treat imbalances that cause many conditions & diseases,
so we can raise our quality of life.

Let’s call the High Priestess back.
Let's rise high together.

Photo of Dr. Amanda Cohen by Diana Zalucky.
Goddess and Priestess images by Melora Walters.