Insurance Verification, Source Point Wellness

Service, Fees, & Insurance Coverage

Thank you for your interest in partnering with our team at Source Point Wellness to get you on the path to feeling amazing!

We are out of network with all insurance companies—except for Cigna. We are happy to verify your coverage to see if there’s a chance insurance might reimburse you.

Regardless of your coverage, we do require payment in full at the time of service (except for Cigna, which is just a copay). Following your appointment, we will submit an insurance claim for you.

If and when insurance pays, we will refund your credit or debit card—minus a 12% administration billing fee. We will reimburse you within 2 weeks after insurance pays us.

Rates and Overview of Services and Fees

Dr. Amanda Cohen:

Specialities: Chinese Medicine, Functional Medicine, Integrative Pediatric Medicine, Esoteric Acupuncture, Goddess Acupuncture, Virtual Acupuncture, Internal Medicine & Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Pain Specialist. Fertility, prenatal, and postnatal care.

Initial consultation: $400
Acupuncture follow-ups, 1 hour: $200
Acupuncture and Functional Medicine in-person follow-ups, 1 hour: $200
Functional Medicine and Virtual Acupuncture telehealth, half-hour follow-up: $250
Herbal Medicine Consultation, 15 minutes: $100
Ten minute phone/email consultation: $75

Book your session with Amanda here.